Thursday, June 14, 2007

One of the biggest news stories of the year was an Earth-sized planet orbiting Gliese 581. Even more importantly, this terrestrial planet is orbiting within the star's habitable zone, where any water will likely be in liquid form. But it takes more than just water to encourage life, you need a nice, stable star. And according to a new survey, Gliese 581 fits the bill there too. The survey was done by Canada's MOST telescope, nicknamed the Humble Space Telescope. MOST focused on Gliese 581 for 6 weeks, watching for any flareups, or drops in light. According to University of British Columbia researcher, Jaymie Matthews, the brightness of the star only changed a few tenths of a percent during their observations. That means its radiation output remains very stable over time. So, Gliese 581c has the possibility of liquid water and stable warming from the star. Good news for potential life on this distant planet.

Moon craters!!
Details: Canon digcam 4 megapixel 4x zoom
5' refelctor telescope by A-focal method

want to know how many paticles made the Universe??

Want to know the classification of elementary particles??? How many particles make up this universe… Come to the world of Particle Physics!!!

Elementary particles are divided into two categories: Fermions [half integral spin particles] and Bosons [integral spin particles]

Fermions are divided into quarks and Leptons… There are 6leptons and 6 quarks. Each quark and each lepton have their antiparticles. So the class of Fermions has 12 particles and 12 antiparticles… a total of 24 particles!!!

Bosons are total 13 in number. They are photon [spin1], W {+ -}, particle [spin1], Z particle [spin1], gluons [spin1:8 in number] and gravitons [spin2]!! Bosons don’t have antiparticles.

So the whole universe is made up of 37 elementary particles… Interesting!!!!!!!!!!